Virtual and Augmented Reality


Starting a business or looking for ways to enhance your product or service offerings? Consider this: Virtual And Augmented Reality VR/AR are proving their ROI in many ways, delivering remarkable value for a broad range of industries that go far beyond gaming and other entertainment-related applications.

In fact, it’s fast becoming the way many startups & enterprises introduce and build interest in new products, as well as providing risk-free training environments for the medical profession, finance, the oil and gas industry, and so much more.

Augmented Reality the Collision of the Virtual and Real World

Augmented Reality (AR) is just as exciting as VR in its potential to enhance and engage. Unlike VR, it requires no additional hardware, as it runs on smartphones and tablets. There are already many apps that use AR technology, some of which you may already be familiar with – think of Google Glass, or the Pokemon Go phenomenon of 2016 – but AR goes far beyond gaming.

Today, this technology is being more used for developing apps for smart phones and tablets. Today, some of the businesses have been Augmented Reality apps for marketing efforts, brand awareness, and promotional giveaways whereas other businesses are constantly trying to adopt this technology to incorporate this concept in their products.



AR helps doctors to plan surgeries, and has even connected doctors in different countries to assist on complex procedures.


AR improves the customer experience by helping consumers locate bank branches, ATMs and more simply by scanning the local area with their smartphones. Soon, potential homebuyers may be able to scan real estate listings for details and access a mortgage calculator, as well as a 3D VR property tour.


The wearable AR market is about to boom as well. The failure of Google Glass to fully penetrate the market has not stopped other developers from bringing their versions to the table. Many currently available offerings are tailored toward cyclists, athletes, tourists, or busy executives, providing them with hands-free access to need-to-know information on the go.

App Maisters Inc is your technology partner that offers augmented reality development and helps your build your most viable augmented reality solution. We have already been assimilating this technology as much as possible by assessing client requirements and developing the most feasible augmented reality solutions for them.

Virtual Reality is Disrupting Virtually Everything

VR is a completely immersive experience that gives the participant the feeling of “being there.” It requires a specialized headset, which is either app-enabled, or works with a smartphone. Here are just a few of the industries already taking advantage of what it offers

Oil and Gas

Virtual And Augmented Reality have been utilized throughout the oil and gas industries, delivering 3D simulations of survey results and simulation-based training to mitigate risk while reducing the cost of travel and the time spent getting to a location.


In the financial industry, VR is being used to help traders visualize data, and learn through virtual trading. In the future, we may be able to access bank branches from within the virtual realm as well.


VR is widely used in the medical profession to train and educate. There are several ways that this plays out: virtual classrooms, virtual cadavers to practice on, virtual emergency situations, and simulations of complex surgical procedures that, until the advent of VR, have been rare or impossible to access. This way of learning gives students access to subject matter experts and cutting-edge techniques that would have never been possible otherwise.

Future Workplace

Both Virtual And Augmented Reality have yet to unlock further gains in more common workplaces, in terms of efficiency, productivity, and the quality of work. In a report published last year, Deloitte shares some ways in which well-established companies or even startups can handle data, shape their culture, and execute tasks successfully.

For business owners and end-users, both AV and VR realities are touching new skies, re-forming the following areas of the future workplaces:


App Maisters

Your Best Choice for AR and VR Development

While there are hundreds of app developers to choose from, App Maisters’ has the experience, the focus, and the agility to bring your Virtual And Augmented Reality application to life.

With more than a decade of experience building complex custom apps, we are at the forefront of innovation and dedication to enterprise-level access. We provide an end-to-end solution and can provide expedient and efficient delivery that is fully scalable to your needs. Put simply, if you have a vision, we can make it real.

Contact App Maisters today, and let’s bring your idea to life.

Client Stories

Trusted by 400+ clients and brand since 2014


Drag Racer Reaction Trainer

App Maisters delivered an immersive racing experience compatible with Google Cardboard, featuring a 180-degree view, realistic elements like engine sounds and opponent drivers, and reaction time tracking for user improvement assessment.


Think Therapy

App Maisters created Think Therapy, a specialized app aiding individuals with cognitive deficits post-stroke or brain injury, enhancing daily functioning through targeted therapy exercises.
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