Unified Cyber Approach Developing Solid Cloud Migration Strategy

Developing a solid cloud migration strategy requires a unified cyber approach that encompasses robust security measures, seamless integration, and efficient management. By aligning cybersecurity principles with the objectives of cloud migration, organizations can mitigate risks and maximize the benefits of cloud technology. Increasingly more organizations are transitioning from a conventional, on-premise IT infrastructure to the cloud. With the goal in mind to become more agile and resilient in the modern IT world, a successful migration demands a unified approach to succeed. Cybersecurity and cloud migration should receive the same level of attention. And yet, some companies are looking at the two branches separately. In spite of having different focuses, cybersecurity and cloud migration should be seen as a shared process.

By the end of 2021, cybercrime is anticipated to reach $6 trillion in costs. This fact alone poses numerous challenges for cloud migration. Even though there’s interest in data protection and cloud security, there’s little investment being poured into the development of a unified cloud technology framework. According to recent studies by Deloitte & Touche LLP, organizations are spending less than 10% of the cyber budget on cloud security, analytics, SaaS, and cloud migration.

Cybersecurity modernization – the main driver of technology & business resilience

For ultimate cloud security to be attained, cyber and cloud teams should work together toward developing a unified solution. Once set in place, the model can be implemented to foster better collaboration, risk management, and coordination; as well as settle on a set of compliance best practices. The end goal is to secure the cloud at the infrastructure layer, at the same time promoting the business and exceeding customer expectations.

The unified team should work around establishing the migration & modernization program: the settled approach cannot be crafted without acknowledging the wide-ranging business goals. Furthermore, a complete assessment of potential customer impact, business continuity estimations, and service-level upgrades must be set in place for the program to render results.

Understanding the multiple faces of modernization

For any modern cloud migration strategy to work,  the unified cybersecurity approach must embrace the new operating model. In this scenario, all stakeholders – from DevSecOps to microservices – should take into account that the capabilities and expertise of solution providers pave the way to success.

It’s equally important for enterprises to settle on security demands upfront. Requirements have to be frictionless and consolidated into the development process. For instance, it pays to know that not all cloud providers are the same. Some are more mature than others in the way they modernize information flow and data health.

An overview of the cloud security framework

Transitioning from on-premise to the cloud usually demands a shift in mindset as far as security is concerned. Security teams and cloud developers are accountable for developing guardrails within the infrastructure, at the same time building secure, agile processes. Prior to receiving access to the cloud-based environment, the network must be properly contained to ultimately attain “security by design”.

Migrating to the cloud usually demands a revamped approach to identity. Physical credentials such as building access become remote in a distributed system, and key management and user-level credentials may be required. By focusing more on privacy, data protection, regulations, and resilience, users can easily manipulate privileges and access rights without compromising the overall security of the cloud migration framework.

Cloud migration security is a unified process

Cloud developers cannot become security gurus overnight. However, they can consider the integrated cloud. Given that the process is unified, the first step is to develop a modern operating model capable of bringing together pioneering technologies and innovative approaches. DevSecOps, new talent models, and microservices will help break down responsibilities.

A cloud migration approach that includes an integrated team of cyber and cross-skilled cloud professionals is highly recommended if the goal is to prioritize security and lower risk levels across security components. In the end, cloud migration doesn’t just pave the way to greater technology and business resilience but also improves customer trust and security.

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